As some of you will be aware, we are planning to hold a Christmas Fayre this year. This will be the first Christmas fundraising event held since before Covid, the last one being held in November, 2019. This year’s event will be on Saturday, 19th November from 10am – 12pm, at the Cross Scythes pub. We hope to see many of you there, along with friends and family. I have attached a poster to this email – please distribute amongst people you know if you can. We are having posters printed to be displayed in local shops, businesses and groups.
Holding an event such as this involves a fair amount of planning and preparation beforehand, as well as setting up and running it on the day. If you are able to help, either in the run up to the event or on the day itself, please let us know as we could do with some extra pairs of hands. I have listed some of the ways you could assist us below.
Ways you can help on the day
8.30am – 10am
Setting up at the Cross Scythes (may involve moving furniture, putting out items for stalls, setting up displays)
10am – 12pm Manning a stall, selling raffle tickets at the event
12 – 1pm Returning the pub to its ‘normal’ state – packing up, transporting items back to T17 office
Ways you can help before the fayre
Sorting, labelling and pricing items for the stalls (Christmas items, jewellery, tickets on bottles) – particularly when the office is quieter on a Mon or Fri morning
Donating bottles for the ‘bottle bonanza’ stall – any bottles with anything in, e.g. water, wine, cordial, shampoo, perfume, soy sauce (every ticket wins a prize)
Taking posters out on the buses to be displayed at the lunch clubs
Look forward to hearing from you.
